Sunday, February 17, 2008

so sometimes....

actually every time, I am just in awe of how God works through Jeff Harris. He has the purest PASSION for the Lord out of anyone I have ever met....even though I haven't met Jeff, I feel like i know him enough to say that. haha

Today's sermon was YET AGAIN amazing! I find myself so content and lost in Jeff's sermon every Sunday. I'm sure if you would glance over at me I'd have a ridiculous look on my face. haha

What I like to do usually every Sunday is relate Jeff's sermon to my life and talk myself through how I can apply it to me. The video clip they started out with was AWESOME! Pretty funny, to say the least. it is.

Now less than 2 weeks ago, I was saying "I want to tithe...but I can't afford it!" I don't even have enough money to pay my bills, and God doesn't need my money anyway...right? uh wrong. The point today was God just wants the first slice, and the rest is yours. Like He says..."seek me first, and the rest will be given to you" or somethin like that...i dont have my bible with me but you get the gist. If you make the decision to cut off that first piece, and it doesn't even have to be big! he just wants 10%! the rest will be taken care of. But you do it out of obedience and love because he is our God...not because you feel like you have to. If you have been keeping up with my blogs you probably know tithing has been something me and God have been working out lately. I know I screw up...and He knows that too...but it's so awesome to see the things He does for you when you are obedient and seek him first. Two weeks ago when I got paid the first thing I did was get on and pay my tithe. All the bills were due 2 weeks ago, and I had enough for everything except my credit card payment. When i got paid friday, first thing i made sure of was that I gave God that first slice. He doesn't want our leftovers. He is our GOD. He loves us so much. He wants us to seek him first in everything we do. In money and in time. So I feel good that I am giving my portion to the kingdom of heaven, but I still need to work on being smart with my money. I buy spend too much money on food. Whether its healthy food at the grocery, or expensive food on the way to school...I spend too much.


Jeff Reininger said...

i couldn't agree with you more! jeff has a way to relate with everyone. half the time, i swear he's reading my mind and talking directly to me. you need to introduce yourself to him and let him know who you are and what you think of him. i know he'd love that. the more you get to know him, the more you see his heart!

as for tithing, i think we're all in the same boat. obedience is hard, but it's a must. i'm proud of you for realizing the importance and being obedient, even when finances are tight. i really wish others 'got it' like you do! plus, i think we really see God in those times more than others! seek, and you shall find.

ry@n said...

great post, I too enjoy Pastor Jeff. This happens to be my sole reason for attending Grace Point. He has a way of teaching, leading, and even convicting in the gentlest of ways. It is awesome to see how much you are growing in your walk. I too am glad you "get it"
God is faithful today, tomorrow, and forever. Keep obeying.