Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Going over Jason's sermon

[words in black are words i wrote down straight from Jason's sermon. words in green are my expanding thoughts]

My identity is in God. And He sees righteousness.

People don't go to hell because of their sins, but because they rejected Jesus who covered theirs. How many times have I heard this before? Probably a couple thousand. And all this time I thought it had clicked in my mind, but it hadn't. When we accepted Jesus into our hearts and was born again as a believer of Christ, thats it! Not to say, you can live in sin and not feel guilty about it, because thats not it at all. But when you screw up, God is not condemning you. That was the whole purpose of JESUS! To take that condemnation away. If you feel condemned its because someone else (yourself, Satan, or another person) is making you feel that way. Jesus came to this earth to SAVE his people. Can you even comprehend that? Any sin past present or future was taken care of. If you are saved by the blood of Christ, and then you sin, you feel ashamed and think you need forgiveness...listen...that's the enemy standing at your door trying to put up a wall between you and God. He has already forgiven you. AMAZING OR WHAT?!

Pray in faith, not fear! Jesus said we were going to the other side, and once the storm sets in, you must have faith that we will get to the other side. Praying out of fear is "Jesus, aren't you going to help me?"...Jesus says that is fear, not faith. You must have FAITH. and TRUST in Jesus. Too often, I pray because I don't have faith. If I had faith, I wouldn't say like "Jesus, please be with...please protect...please help...please please please..." I have to have a different thought process and feeling in my heart. I have to undoubtedly have FAITH that the will of God will be done. Jesus is our savior, of course He's going to make sure everything turns out okay. It's only when you start doubting, and having fear, is when you get yourself in trouble.

Knowing the will of God doesn't mean their won't be hurdles. Because today is preparing you for tomorrow. God is shaping us for who we were meant to be. If nothing ever went wrong and we never had to conquer anything, how would we know what it felt like? How would we be able to relate to people who are going through those things? So it is important to realize that while we are going through these trials you must have PURE JOY in the Lord. He is only making you who you were meant to be. He will never give you more than you can handle.

What is condemnation? Judging to be unfit use for God. To pass judgment on. Jesus did not come to condemn us, He came to be judged and die for our sins. He took care of it already! With Jesus, we are not condemned, because He was. God took the sin of the world and placed it on Jesus and He was judged and condemned so we could live free.

Condemnation does not come from God. It comes from Satan (the accuser), other people, and ourselves.

The consequences of condemnation is having no confidence with God. It affects intimacy. You do not enjoy the presence of the Spirit because you are ashamed. It hinders your prayer life and your intimate moments with God. Do you think God wants you not to come to him at any moment of the day? Whether or not you have messed up, do you think "he's mad at you" and just doesn't want to talk to you right now? Of COURSE NOT! That feeling you have of condemning and shame is from the enemy. He knows you are working for the kingdom, so he wants to try and stop that as quickly as possible. When we are going through struggles and mess up (because of course its bound to happen) you must stick closer to God than ever before because that is when the enemy is the strongest.

To live free of condemnation you must address the source. Renew your mind with the truth. Walk in truth, and do not buy the enemies lies! He tries to make you think you need something you already have, which is forgiveness. When you screw up, God has already taken care of it! You are forgiven! Thats what Jesus died for. He died once for all sin. That's the beauty of it. We are the righteous of God. But just because it's already taken care of it, doesn't mean you can live in sin with no regret. We want to be at rest with the Lord, and therefore if you sew love, you will reap rest. God wants to dance with us, and all we can do is look at our feet in shame and embarrassment. He wants you to look at him, not your feet. Jesus is a lover. Thats just the honest truth. He wants nothing more than to make sure you know how much he loves you. Stop looking at your feet, and just look at Him! How powerful is that?

It's amazing how many times something can be said to you, and it just never clicks. This weekend all that soaked deep down into my mind & soul. It changed my life. I will never live the same again! FREE OF CONDEMNATION!! :) :) :) :)

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