Sunday, January 27, 2008

"it's not about your possesions, it's about what possesses you." - Pastor Jeff Harris

Must I reiterate how amazing my pastor is, because I feel the need to do that. Pastor Jeff started a series on....simply I could say finances, even though it's MUUUCH more than that. I have a struggle with tithing and being obedient. I know that I can't bring my Ipod with me to heaven...I know that my music collection won't be transferred into heaven when I go....I do, I know this. But the thing with Grace Point, and Pastor Jeff, is he makes those things CLICK. Where you go..."ooooooooooooooh!!! now i really get it" See, the things that make us who we are on earth isn't our awesome cars, or awesome houses, or awesome electronics. How many people have we helped have a relationship with Christ? Even just been a helping factor in their many times can you count that you have told someone that you'll pray for them, and then actually dropped everything you were doing, got on your knees and prayed for that person, right there? what about when God is telling you to go talk to that person who looks really alone, and tell them how wonderfully He has changed your life?...Jeff made us close our eyes today in service and picture a two-story house. On the bottom floor is everything that is temporary in our lives.....picture said items. Now...start up the stairs...up here is anything that you received, gave, did out of obedience of God...out of faith, out of service...whatever helped your relationship with Christ and whatever helped someone elses relationship with Christ. now what do you see? ...those things are what will be with you for eternity. the ONLY things that truly matter. it's almost like i really want to take some red and blue stickers and go around my life and put blue stickers on temporary things and red stickers on things that are going to be waiting for me in heaven. My struggle is tithing. This is not an excuse. I am 20 years old, been living out of my parents house for about 6 months (OMG I HAVEN'T COUNTED THOSE MONTHS IN FOREVER!!WOW!), I work a part-time job making a little more than minimum wage, and go to school. On top of all that, I'm trying to be healthy...and being healthy is expensive. So, my priorities are all mangled up. I have all these things that go before tithing. that go before GIVING to my Lord Jesus...who gave up his LIFE...for me? HOW MUCH SENSE DOES THAT MAKE?!, i suck...


Evaluate your life. Honestly, I'm going to make a list and a budget. Before anything, I need to give. Then I need to be smart, and not buy that really good cd that i want SOO bad! Pay rent. Pay credit card, phone, car. Buy gas, food. Whenever I run out of long as I have been obedient, I know God will provide.

my prayer today is that I will open my eyes..."have an eye for obedience"...that Jesus will show me all I need to do is focus on the things in my life that will be able to go to heaven with me. It's ok to have an ipod and listen to it every day, just as long as your ipod doesn't possess you.


Anonymous said...

I see you!

Jeff Reininger said...

great words! you're so much closer than SO many other people! hope you can make it wednesday...this may just be one of the topics!!!

Lisa said...

i have to wooorrk :'( i wish i could but i'll be there sunday