Thursday, January 24, 2008

Where am I?

Pretty sure this has happened to everyone, you go spend the night at a new friends house for the first time and when you wake up, that sudden second of panic and fear that lasts for a bout 1.32 seconds. WHERE IN THE HECK AM I?! ...oh right...then you are brought back down to a level of comfort and probably go back to sleep.

For the past couple of years or so, my life has sort of seemed like a slumber party at a new friends house, in the sense where when I "wake up"...I have no idea where I am or what got me here. Shortly after I am calmed by my loving Savior that He is bringing me through the fire...The scary place I thought I was in, isn't that scary. It's a journey. A place in time where I have to be to get to where I'm going. But man...that initial eye opener is frightening.

I'm constantly learning and growing in my relationship with Christ. I feel my heart becoming warmer and easier to forgive. It's not as tight as it once was....

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