Wednesday, January 2, 2008

life lessons and resolutions.

I think it's necessary, because its so real, to share all the life lessons I have learned and gathered in 2007. This has been one of the most growing years for me. I decided to take life in my own hands and expierence what life felt like when I did what I wanted to do. I had fun, made memories, but also felt more lost than I ever have felt before. I lost some friends but I gained some new ones too. Honestly life is what you make out of it. If you want to waste your life away with partying, then I really hope you realize soon it is the most empty feeling ever. Nothing is worth what Jesus did for me on that cross. I have been raised as a Christian all my life, but until I tried things my way and saw only destruction, I didn't truly realize the price that was paid for ME. I didn't realize how much grace can save you. How living our God is right now! And that He is just waiting for us to reach out our hands to him...He's standing right there! Take his hand!

I've had a few particular friends for years now. We all know how sometimes, unfortunetly, we don't appreciate the loving people you have right infront of you. So this year, what I'm going to try and do - is realize the people that love me, and tell them how much I love and appreciate them way more than I did last year. I didn't do it nearly enough. Anyone that has done anything nice or generous for me, I'm so appreciative. I'm not the best confronter in the world, and try to avoid awkward situations at all costs, and even though its a lame exuse as to why I didn't say thank you or I appreicate you, it's all I got.

Basically I learned that you can fall and it's ok, because when you get back up, you'll only be stronger. And to love those around you and hold tight to those who love you because in the end it's all you will have. And no matter what - Trust in Jesus! He's there to love you and carry you through this crazy world. He's not here to judge, whatever things you've done wrong, you've already been forgiven! He just wants you to reach out to him...I can't get over how amazing that is!!

Ok - enough ramblin...I think I got my point across.

Here's to 2008! It's gonna be great! ha

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