Thursday, January 31, 2008

He came here for the rescue of us all

Something really cool happened last weekend. I went to go see this band perform, Levi Smith at Jacks Patio Bar. Well I went to go use the restroom during a break in the set and I pass by this guy who looks SO familiar! It took me about 2 seconds to remember who he was, and after I realized, I turned to Sarah and said "THATS JUSTIN POOLE!" Justin used to live down the street from me when I lived on trailway oak before I moved to st. louis. We worked together and he would give me rides to school in his old pick up truck. All we did saturday was glance at each other like "dude....?" haha but we didn't say anything to each other just because it had been so long and we weren't really sure if either of us were who we thought we were. So I get on myspace the next day and I have a message from him. So we start talking, and I go look at his myspace. His blog says something like Sovereign God. And he has another blog with a Christian song and the daily bible verse and a pic of Jesus. I had to bring it up because when I used to know him...if myspace existed, he would NOT have those things on his myspace. He went on to say that he was pretty much at his wits end, into drugs and not going anywhere in his life. He said he met this girl who was serious about her faith, and she got him going to church and he decided that Jesus is the best way to go! This for me...was so awesome. Just because I knew him way back when, then didn't speak to him for YEARS, and now that we've reconnected, I hear how Jesus has changed yet another life. This makes my heart smile.

How awesome is it that week after week we hear of how Jesus has transformed yet another life? He finds us in the darkest place....

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." Matthew 5:6


Lela Kay said...

It is amazing to see the lives that Jesus transforms daily, even by the minute at times! I mean, look at how filthy we were and yet, we are testimonies of his grace and love to those like your friend that don't know, or do know but don't want to submit to God's tug on their hearts. We are unworthy testimonies, but what God chose to see his plan for his greater kingdom fulfilled. What an honor!

ry@n said...

nice topic of choice, Hillsong United blows me away. I love the idea that He came for me, I am the least. yet He came for the rescue of me, and you, and all. Thanks for the reminder.