Sunday, August 31, 2008

everything rides on hope now

Can you get there from here? Power of destination.

Again, Pastor Jeff directly spoke to me this past Sunday. What is it with this guy and knowing exactly what I need to hear! We are all on a journey. But we have to have the end envisioned in mind so we know where we are going. When you have a destination in mind, you can stop and say “can I get there from here?’ and see if you are off course. But if you have no idea where you are headed, it doesn’t matter. Also it's important to have a mission statement for your family. I love Pastor Jeff's. "Love, serve, minister, and lead ourselves and others into a more intimate relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ." That way, when you get off course you can stop and say, "am I loving, serving, ministering, and leading myself and others into a more intimate relationship with Jesus?" If not...then simply stop doing whatever it was you were doing that got you off course.

The power of destination. Can you get there from here?

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