Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I'm just going to type.

After a brief talk with a mentor of mine, I realized I had forgotten how theraputic it is to just write...even when there is nothing specific to write about...even when I don't have this awesome story to share...how was my week?...what about work?...school started yesterday, how was that?....so thats what i'm gonna do. might be boring but hey, at least i'm writing. you teach yourself a lot when you write...well, ramble rather. so here goes my ramble!

Yesterday, the 25th of August (its coming to an end...can ya believe it?), was the first day of my last semester at Vista. I've been attending this school since fall of 2005. Normally people get in, and no more than 2 years later, get out. Well, 3 years ago I was starting my first semester, and it feels soo long ago! I'm so ready to get out! More than anything though, I'm ready to have something accomplished. I haven't felt that great feeling in a long time. Accomplishment. What does that even mean? What does it feel like? Something you have been striving for....working hard for...putting in ton of hours, money, energy to complete, is complete! You no longer have to worry about it because it is DONE! And then that sudden feeling of the weight being lifted off your shoulders. sigh of relief...no more headaches because you're stressed about all the assignments due tomorrow...no more late night cram sessions...ahh free at last! success! accomplished...i can't wait for that feeling! come december i will be one happy girl.

i also have a lot of big decisions coming up. move home or stay here? there is nothing i can do about that right now except pray like crazy. and ask everyone else to pray for me. this is a huge decision and i currently am not 100% sure what I should be doing. I feel like I should stay here...but if you asked me if i knew fooor sure that this is what God wanted, I couldn't tell you yes because I haven't prayed enough about it. I need someone to keep me accountable for that. I should be able to do it on my own but...mer...I remember at night when I'm going to sleep but I need to remember to do it during the day and in my busy schedule it always gets away from me...

i'm so interested in finding another job right now. there is so much i could say about that, but i won't. just...i need a job that pays me way more and still works around my school schedule (until jan of course! :] )

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