Monday, March 31, 2008


Last night, I read probably 200 pages of Mistaken Identity. I got so enveloped in the Van Ryn's and Ceraks story I couldn't put the book down. This morning when I woke up I wanted to youtube the dateline special and watch it. So for almost an hour, thats what I did. Their story is so inspiring and hopeful. Their undoubtful faith in Jesus Christ inspires me to hold back with nothing, and have no fear for My God is bigger than anything. Little did I know the courage and strength I felt this morning from watching the Mistaken Identity story, would come in very handy in a few hours.

I'm sitting on the couch after eating breakfast watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition around 12:15. Andy (my adopted dad, who is treating me as his daughter since my real parents are 1000 miles away in St. Louis) walked into the house after being gone for the morning and saw me sitting on the couch and said "Where's your car?" Andy always jokes with me, trying to trick me and stuff, so I assumed he was playing around with me. So I said "shut UP!" thinking he was kidding. He looked at me, and right then i knew he wasn't kidding. In no way shape or form do I think my car getting stolen can even remotely compare to the Van Ryn and Cerak tragedy...but with watching and reading about it, and seeing their constant hope in Jesus through the toughest thing anyone could ever possibly go through I had a very serene calm attitude through it all. Yeah - having your car stolen with your brand new Ibanez acoustic guitar in the trunk SUCKS...but I know that for some unknown reason it needed to happen, and I trust that God will make something good come out of it.

1 comment:

Jay said...

I whole-heartedly believe that God works all things for good for His children. We never see the good while we're in the middle of the bad, and often even not after, but it's definately there. If God had not let me wander into the darkness for years, I'm not sure I would ever have learned to live out the freedom He has given me, nor would I likely have come to GP. Even so, getting your car stolen sucks in the now; even if you get it back, it's not the same anymore. I'll be praying for you.