Wednesday, March 12, 2008

yes shane, you are so brill.

So far this book has been so far beyond what I expected, The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne. This actually goes along with my last blog, about leading an abundant life. Would you still follow Jesus if there were no heaven and no hell? Do you have enough life, joy, and fulfillment that makes it worth it to follow Jesus now? WOW. Let me just tell you (lol Katy I stole it!) that saving us from heaven isn't what its all about. It's amazing that we don't have to live an eternity in the burning pits of hell because of our savior, Jesus Christ...but realize that's not the only purpose of Jesus! He came to make our lives abundant. When I Googled the definition of abundant (just to make it clear) it basically means in large supply or plentiful. So plentiful of LIFE and JOY and GRACE and a peace that only God the Father himself can give to you! Shane says that if you ask any person what a Christian believes they'll tell you "They believe that Jesus was God's son and He died for their sins." But if you ask them how they live they are struck SILENT. How awful! It's the sad honest truth that most Christian's do not live that much differently from an average non Christian. So what makes our lives so exciting that they should come join in on the party? Something has been weighing on my heart heavy lately and I can't quite put my finger on it yet. Yes , God sent his only (and favorite) son to die for our sins! And that allows us to enter the kingdom of heaven if so we just believe...but laaaaaaaaadies! and gents thats not the whole story. We were put on this earth to do a lot of things for the Kingdom of Heaven & one of those is bringing other believers to Christ. We can't do that by living just an ordinary life. Well...I suppose you can, but the impact just isn't as great.

I had one of those moments where I actually LOL'd reading this book. "I'm excited about the afterlife. We are going to party like there is no tomorrow (ummm, and there won't be)" HA! YES!

Lord, I thank you dying on the cross so that I get to spend forever worshiping you. But I also thank you for allowing me to have a fulfilled life here on Earth. Please show me how I can live abundantly and bring glory to You!


Lela Kay said...

You are so insightful at your young age! You are so right. . . Heaven isn't the goal of Jesus' sacrifice or our physical or spiritual births. It is an awesome result of our desires to do more and be more for His kingdom, living lives that are vastly different and shining a light for those who don't "believe"!

It would be boring and easy life if we were just saved to Heaven, but we are saved to the glorious call to live and lead others to live lives that reflect who God is in us! Yea, God!

Jeff Reininger said...

i love it... couldn't agree more. God calls us to be selfless...but so many people make it all about their reward in heaven... and i think that's just about as selfish as it gets. its not all about you (or me), or checking the box or patting ourselves on the back. i'd like to think we'd all live abundantly even if there was no reward...