Sunday, June 1, 2008

Officially rut free!

Wow. I just went through my old blog entries from the retreat and I am so amazed at what God has taught me and the place he has brought me to since then. I have messed up a few times yes, but I am forever changed! I am free in Christ! I feel like sharing about my new amazing friend God has placed in my life. I don't know what it is and I can quite figure it out but Jessica is like...the friend that God knew I needed so He sent me her. I'm not kidding. She's like my little sister....but I am learning so much from her! It is so important in becoming who you were meant to be in Christ to have a person you can trust like that. And someone who is just're sister or brother in Christ. Completely centered and does nothing but help your spiritual walk. And we're accountability partners...which I neeeeeed! SO YAY

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