Sunday, June 29, 2008

crying is good for the soul but not for the head.

If I think back to my life 6-8 months ago and then look at my life now, I'm completely amazed at how God has transformed me. I have found God and He has definitely found me time and time again. More than ever before. I have amazing friendships centered around Christ. So what do I do? I feel so alive in His spirit at grace point and with all the people I have met through there. And meeting these amazing people have taught me how to have solitary worship as well; how important it is one on one with God. I can't put into words how grateful I am for these experiences. I'm having such a hard time trusting God right now though. I feel so close, closer than ever, but how can I, at the same time, feel so far?

If I move back home, I am afraid I'll lose it. Plain & simple. I'm scared I'll lose all the friendships that have gotten me through the lowest places. And I'm afraid that I'll drift back to that lonely place again. Being at Grace Point is the best thing I could have ever asked for. It's my home. I guess I feel that way because it's where my heart is.

But I'm in a huge predicament. I can't afford to live here. In December I'm gonna have to move back home. And that makes me very sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jesus is in your heart so you will take him with you if you move back to MO.
Like i've told you before, John and I would love to have you come to KY, we will share our home with you for as long as you need.