Saturday, May 10, 2008

the day that true love died

all i ask is that I get through this stronger abiding in You.

I need my broken heart healed. I need friends that build me up, not tear me down. I want my granddaddy back. I want a college degree. I have an amazing best friend and his name is Jesus. He pretty much is best friends with anyone who wants to be. I find that I try to be a good friend to everyone else but Him. And I see that this is not a good thing. Broken hearts are for broken people. Jesus has saved me by his grace I am healed! I don't have a broken heart. I have a cloudy mind. I have people in my life that bring out the bad version of me. I need people that bring out the best version of me.


Meg said...

hii... ran across your blog... and noticed your reading Shane Claiborne. Be careful.. irresistible just might change your life.

sweet blog.

Jeff Reininger said...

katy and i love you lisa...and we love your quest. thanks for sharing...thank for seeking...thanks for struggling and thanks for falling, getting back up, dusting yourself off trying again! i'm proud of you!!!