Friday, December 12, 2008

break these chains

Schools over, and December is half way over…and I haven’t written a blog in almost a month. I SUCK! If I go back to January’s blogs, and read over my new years resolution, It was to blog my spiritual journey. And it seems as if I’ve done a pretty decent job, but only the good days. Whenever my spiritual journey is blooming, I write about it. But I really don’t like writing about the bad stuff. I’ve definitely had some ups and downs this year. I feel like I’m in a plateau right now. But I feel stuck. You know when you are having that bad dream where someone is chasing you, and you can’t run move your legs to run away? That’s pretty much the best way I can explain it. Not that I’m not trying…now I won’t be stupid… I know I could try harder, but like I said…I feel stuck. In some crazy sticky mud! How can we just break free from the chains that are holding us down? Because I really think this whole being stuck thing…it’s getting really old.

1 comment:

Kyle Burkholder said...

maybe you're stuck because if you left this place, you'd miss something incredible...?

keep struggling and keep your eyes open as you go. sometimes, it's only when we feel stuck that we have the time to see the moment that god intended for us to be grace or mercy or hope to someone else. :)